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(647) 620-5444
(416) 746-0005

Teeth can be sensitive to a number of things including hot or cold, touch, or sweets. These can generally be grouped into a hypersensitive situation of the tooth root. When the gums recede the root is exposed and under certain conditions may become sensitive. Desensitization uses techniques to protect the tooth root from these stimuli.

Our office has new ‘needle-less” procedures that apply a topical anesthetic to the teeth that may reduce or eliminate tooth sensitivity during scaling and root planing procedures.


Tips to decrease tooth sensitivity:

1. Brush gently with a soft toothbrush twice/day using a low abrasion desensitizing toothpaste

2. Having professional tooth cleaning, oral hygiene instructions and fluoride treatments.

3. Avoid highly acidic foods like citrus or soda pop that can work against the sensitivity toothpaste

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